black man model at Georgetown university.
Cheers to Thirty!


I can’t believe I’m 30 years old. I never thought my 20s would end this quickly in a million years. I remember my 21st birthday like it was yesterday hanging out with my boys and waiting for the clock to change from 11:59 pm to midnight – while getting completely wasted in the club and turning up every weekend thereafter, with no regard to a lot of my personal decisions and company I kept around me. In hindsight, I was lost in my 20’s always questioning my position in life and sometimes comparing my progress and accomplishments to those around me, failing to know I was right on time according to my journey and walk with God.

However, I can’t leave my 20s without being grateful for encountering roadblocks that have strengthened my wisdom and intuition. My failures were used to increase my perseverance and faith in God. Heartbreaking/heartbreaks gave me the insight to learn to love myself and cherish the good souls I’ve met along the way. Losing my favorite person and beloved brother (Fitz Alexander Campbell Thomas) that turned into my guardian angel. Graduating college and working for some of the greatest firms/organizations in the world. Not starting my 30s cleaning up any financial (credit card debt, car loans, student loans, etc.) messes, and not making bad personal choices that could hinder my future.

Now, that I’ve reached 30 years old. I can’t say I have all the answers to what lies ahead of me, but this new period in my life will be filled with courage and adjusting the lens of my vision.

I’ll have the confidence to stand up and speak up for myself in any situation– especially if it doesn’t align with God’s Will for my life. I’ll be patient with myself when things don’t go according to my plan – and let loose of trying to control the uncontrollable. There is a saying that goes along the lines of “The more you try to control something, the more it controls you. I owe myself the right to free my mental shackles and let things take their natural course.

Being intentional with the people I call friends. I used to feel horrible when friends walked out of my life because I didn’t fit into the box of how they wanted me to act. I would blame myself for not compromising myself. The moment you go against your grain is the moment you start losing yourself in the noise of everything. I honor the fewer friends that challenge my thought process and push me to be 1% better daily.

In conclusion, I thank myself for the lesson of my 20’s, and cheers to the 30-year-old man in front of the mirror. I’m walking into this new decade with a calm mind, millionaire habits, taking care of my health, which is the real wealth, pouring into myself, and building the foundation for my future family and Proverbs 31 wife. Growing in curiosity and looking for ways to always progress personally, physically, spiritually, and financially.
